With individualized guidance on all things movement, fitness, recovery, and injuries, this is your one-stop-shop to be able to LIVE without fear of being slowed down.
You likely know what it’s like for your mental and emotional health if something happens physically…
How would it feel to never worry about that again?
To know how to not only prevent most issues, but have a resource to know exactly what to do to stay “in the game” if anything does happen.
Bronze level:
This tier grants you access to online educational resources, including articles, videos, and tutorials. You'll also have access to me via Voxer messaging for quick questions and concerns
Easily a $500+ value for only $149/month!
This level includes:
- Access to informative & educational blogs, newsletters, and videos
- Access to 1 monthly group “office hours” where you can connect and ask Qs in a forum setting
- Access to a direct messaging platform (Voxer) for quick medical/movement questions
- Peace of mind if any emergent musculoskeletal issue comes up for you or a loved one (yes you can ask me quick questions about them!)
***this level does require a 4 month minimum, however, extenuating circumstances may be considered on an individual basis